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Just trying to catch the droplets that fall through my mind.
Previous Posts


Crystal Clear From Here
Saturday, March 01, 2008

That's How the Story Ends

I am finally officially closing this blog. I have not posted for 1 year, 1 month, and 11 days. I believe it is time to move on, to begin anew.

"I did not die by plague or prison
What really died is cynicism."

Thursday, January 18, 2007
"Jesus Saves" is what he raved in a typical tattoo green...

I get so bored at Youth Group. It's really rather sad. Last night we had a guest speaker upstairs and the Mississippi Roofers Downstairs. I wanted to see both, but in the end opted to go upstairs. But first Jenna and I ran to Target to get Pizza that I didn't really want in the first place. I did this really just for the purpose of skipping worship, which I kinda wish I hadn't because Aaron was leading worship. So anyways, we came back and I went upstairs to eat pizza and listen to the speaker. His name was Chris sommin'. I don't really know or care. He was really over the top and the definition of a Jr. Higher Pastor. He also works with Wayne Northrup and as a result has every Wayne Northrup mannerism there ever was. The young'ins probably didn't notice because they have only seen Wayne once. But all the older people really noticed as we have all seen Wayne at least three times, if not more.

So, about half way through the sermon I decided to ditch and go downstairs to see Mr. Bruely and peeps. This was also kinda a bust cause all I really got to see was their sideshow which was all the pictures I have already seen. Peter and Teen Challenge were at church though, so that was cool. I got to see Peter, who is sick with another cold.

Lately I have really noticed how much I don't like DD's style of worship leading. DD is a wonderful person. But, I don't think she realizes that her style is more adult oriented. She sings a lot of older worship songs, and it's not even necessarily that but the fact that she sings them sooo slooow.

Well, that is all the ranting that I have for now.
Monday, January 15, 2007


So, you know, I'm really kinda disappointed with the band Death Cab for Cutie. I had heard of them for quite some time and now I heard them for just the first time today. With a name like Death Cab for Cutie I had expected something more hard rock-like at least. But no, what I got was soft and...sissy-like for a name that speaks of death.

I'm debating weather or not I should allow myself to read updates...
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Don't Read This...

Huzzah and Welcome!

It has truly been a while since I have last blogged. Maybe, hopefully, there is no one still regularly checking to see if I have updated. I believe that I will never keep any sort of diary with pen and paper, but one with a computer at least has a chance. Writing a journal that all your friends can read doesn't really make sense to me. I, along with most sane people, do not write all my deep dark secrets on my forehead.

My purpose in writing tonight is to promise to myself to fast fanfiction for the next week, and then if I succeed, for the rest of my life. The reason for this, you see, is because I'm addicted to it and it is ruining my life.
Sunday, July 02, 2006


So this weekend Amos, Kaylin, Tim and I decided to go down to Lake Geneva Family Camp to visit Pastor Chuck and Steph, and generally have fun on our random road trip. We are staying at Amos' sisters house here in Alex. Our days consist of staying up really late doing crazy ffuts and sleeping in really late. We wake up, sit around for awhile and then spend the rest of the day at Camp.

Last night we were up pretty late and things got really kinda random. Amos fell asleep at about 3:30 or 4:00. Tim, K, and I then proceeded to plan an elaborate kidnapping of A's guitar. We emailed a ransom note to A and also put a note in his guitar case telling him to Check his email at exactly 1:26 pm, complete with drug dealing stick figures. There were also pictures of K eating and Smashing the guitar.

Now Amos was asleep during all of this and since we were in the same room as him we used the word pad on Tim's laptop to communicate. The following is just some of the craziness from last night:

" you guys work on a ransom note, I am puting it in thte trunk... You know what I mean despite the spelling...> JORKS

ummm ich wiesst nicht.

i put it under the sofa up stairs... I decided that putting it in the car for the night could damage it. I hope I didn't scratch it putting it under their. He won't be able to see it unless he is looking, I hope. Perhaps we should move the case just in case he would see it when bending down to pick up the case. ?
k...where was it when u found it? middle of the living room, right next to the sofa, in the case. So, if we could move it within reason it would be good. However, being as though we are going go to leave a note, does it matter where the case is? I vote we make the note out of newspaper headdings?
yeah...we could move it into the room we're in. case? k where r we getting the newspaper? and r we leaving the note in the case?

are we happy with this? What is going on? What is that? Don't stab her, it isn't worth it! OH NOES ITS THE 5-0! JORKS

are we satisfied?
yeah...we were thinking we sould leave a note in his case too. telling him to check his email. k... we should tell him he has to check it at some ridicouls time though, so as to make it funnier. Like... Idk... what time will we likely be up tomorrow? If he gets up before us it won't be funny... 1:26 This is the number of the counting? sie

anywhoo... Time for bed yet?
Wait, we still need to write that other note. well isn't this comfy. I vote we write it on your arm and leave it in the case... a how b out ur face.mmmkay... I can deal with that. Do I get a phone call first? JORK.

nein Neener!!!

sorry, you can't be smart enough nothing! Ok... Sweet
Sweat. Swede. Swoosh! SWHOOOT...
k that's enough of u. so what should we say in this other note friends? we shoud make it like one of those drug commercials. DO you know where you guitar is? What else do they say in those. Plus, would amos get that? Mabyah? hahah. Good point! This is what he gets for sleeping. Sleep is for thween err... something. nevermind.

Do you know where your girl is? Do you know what she is eating? Do you know the kids that she hangs out with? Because if you don't talk to her about pot, they will! And they won't tell her it is bad! THEY WILL MAKE HER TAKE DRUGZ! WITH A Z! If you don't want your girl to end like the rest of the stoned out losers, you had best be off to your handy dandy email for more helpful information as provided by our helpy helperton newsletter! But be sure not to check it before 1:26 in the Pm! Mmmmm kay? Beee yeam! (I am Ari)

Now for the stick figures!

FINE he is just too cute when sleepy! Keep it under control! don't hit me! i'll do what i gosh darn well please.

I thought you kept saying BAM Beeyeam! wow... have you ever used a pen before, for anything other than stabbing people? JORK! Don't eat it, it isn't organic! that is toxic!
Good? Moore? Less?

I vote for stick figures too! Doing drugz! ???yeah k we also need to tell him to check the email"

If you want me to send you the email ransom note please comment and tell me!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


At this moment I am waiting... Waiting for Tim to get done with work, waiting for the world to come to an end. Lately, I have been passing my extra time (waiting for Tim to get off work) at Mr. Bruelly's cafe. I sit here eating one his fabulous BLTs and using his free high-speed internet. It is great fun for the most part. Except that it seems whenever I'm here, there is some sort of group having a meeting here. Wether it be a woman's bible study or (as it is tonight) some sort of music group. That guy from the band Storm his here talking to people about the things you need to know to be a professional-like group. He is, at this moment, talking about aomething called "click tracks". It is really, kinda, pretty interesting...

But any ways... Its awkward because here I am in the middle of this group of people click, tick, clicking aways.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Today all the sources would agree
that the day of their death was a cold dark day
Scuttled ships have blocked the sea
and the pallid light of morning melts into an ashy gray

Songs always inspire me. I feel such passion from simply
listening to music. This weekend was the Fine Arts
Festival. That was a lot of fun. I went and competed
as part of our drama team. We performed a human video
to the Casting Crowns song Stainglass Masquarade. It
really is a great inspiring song. The song talks about
wearing a mask at church and feeling lonely because you
feel as though everyone else is so strong and such great
Christians, but in truth everybody is wearing a mask.
Its really all kind of sad and depressing. But that is
okay. In the human video we dipicted a pastor with doubts,
who wore a mask. Also, we had a cutter who wore a mask
and her friend finds out that she cuts, who also wore a
mask. When her friend finds out, he takes off his mask
and convinces her to do the same. The then become real
people, while the rest of us remain "happer plastic people".

And goodbye to everything
sayonara everyone
they are tired
write the eulogy
And I saw them as they passed
it was like a millstone cast
far into the deep blue sea

so the world turns...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I was thinking that since some of our friends are moving away or just generally leaving, that we should start a blog that we all could post on to update our friends on the going-ons of Duluth. We could even start up the old Huzzah and Welcome! Blog. We should post pictures of everthing somewhere, too. If anyone is interested in this, please comment on here or on Bebo.

College has too many papers. This I have decided. A five page paper for Ethics, a eight page paper for Comp. 2, a paper for Utopian Images, and I'm sure there is one for Race, Class and Gender, too. The last two just haven't been assigned, yet. And one is due next week! This scares me...

I just remembered that this weekend is Fine Arts. That is bad. I am of the opinion that the drama team is not nearly ready and we have no time to practice before hand. We don't have the timing down for quite a few things. This all makes me not want to do it at this time.

Well...class is done now. So, Ill be signing off.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Billie Holiday on the Radio...

...My sluggish heart is beating seven beats too slow
another sad song and another shot of blue
cold and unconcerned are anything but new
He said “Love endures all things”
and it hurts to think He’s right
If I mark the span of failure
is his burden just as light?...

Sparta was an ancient city in Greece, the capital of Laconia. The city lay at the northern end of the central Laconian plain, on the right bank of the river Eurotas. The site was strategically sited, guarded from three sides by mountains, controlling the routes by which invading armies could penetrate Laconia and the southern Peloponnessus.

...I am, Spartan...

Do you ever wonder why? Why is it so hard to articulate? Why do some things just not make sense? Why do I feel such emotion as I listen to this song? Why do I feel no emotion when I'm told that there is something wrong with my brother.

...Close my heart so tight...

School comes once again. Last semester was amazingly easy and I know that in the coming year the work will become increasingly harder. My world will soon come to consist of soully homework, work, and if I'm lucky church. Sorry, no more room for friends. I'm not sure how but somehow I managed to get a 4.0 this last semester. It really did surprise me considering that I haven't done this type of work for at least the last two years. The amazing ness of we.

...Jesus, save me...

The end of my seasonal time with Target is coming up soon. I have another two weeks or more and I'll probably only work two more times. Ah well, this is life, mine friend. Where will I be in five years? Where will I be in three years? Where will I be in one year? Where will I be in one month? Only my Lord knows I suppose.

...from myself tonight...

I see not my feet as I walk through this forest. They walk, stumble and fall as I am blind. Maybe the forest is too thick, maybe there is no light to fall on me, maybe I do not want to see.

...Limping through the world
there’s a knowing look or two
is it just the cripples here
who understand the truth?
Why is love so painful
why do we always lose
paving pathways for the lost
the bitter, and recluse?
He said “Love endures all things”
and it hurts to think it’s true
did it nail Him on a cross
did it crucify Him too?...
Monday, November 07, 2005

Up the Stairs...

...And down the hallway...

Have you ever had a friend that you really wished didn't want to be friends with you? Not that this person is unkind to you but just kinda annoying. You both come from completely different groups but somehow you managed to become friends. I have a friend like this. I feel like she never understands anything I'm saying. She never really understands any of my jokes or sarcasm. We are just different and therefore I find it hard to continue being friends with her. Well, I'd appreciate your prayer

...To your door and through the wall...

But somehow I will continue on through this friendship and find something positive from it...Somehow. I apologize for ranting on the internet. I needed to yell, so there you have it

...Sorry that I never called you...

To all those of you that don't already know...I got a job! I have been hired and started at Target. I'm cashiering, which is pretty easy. So far the only downside I see is that my legs start to get sore after awhile. But that is okay and I'm sure I'll get use to it all eventually.
Well, I have to work in a bit and Matt is coming out to help Tim roof the sauna. Soo.....

...Sorry that I never called you...

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